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Founded in 1991, our society consists of a
team of active reporters and field investigators who
factually gather, study and disseminate evidence relating to Earth Mysteries, (e.g. Ley Lines, Terrestrial Energies and Ancient Site Anomalies), Strange Aerial Happenings, (e.g. Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs), and The Paranormal, (e.g. Spirit and Psychic Phenomena).

This report was submitted to BEAMS at 05:05 PM UTC - 06 October 2017

"The object that I saw was very similar to the one described in the Ilford sighting 16-06-17"

06-10-17: Gants Hill, Ilford, UK
Hovering, Dematerialising/Re-materialising Cigar UFO With Lights

6/09/2017 - 14.00hrs
Gants hill
I saw the same object hovering in the sky as in one of your BEAMS 

This was at around 14.00.

It had dull red and orange lights with a bright white light which flashed

The object disappeared and reappeared in same space as well as
moving left and right while hovering.

The object that I saw was very similar to the one described in the Ilford
sighting 16-06-17.

I'll even put my hand on the Bible about what I saw.

Very interesting and I still can't over how the object completely vanished
right before my eyes.

Unfortunately, my excitement kept me viewing direct instead of the iPhone.

Please note, Friday the 6th Oct was a clear bright day with blue sky.

I do have a video, but alas it is not still and a bit far away. However
If you pause it, expand the screen, and scroll through the frames, you can
make out It is a cylinder shape, which seems to disappear at times.

My excitement kept me viewing direct instead of the iPhone. End

BEAMS remark: Sadly, the supplied recording is poor and extremely limited
information-wise; but we have at least edited and enlarged the video at the
point where a flashing white light can be seen; clips are in slo-mo and
repeated, before longer edit is shown at end.

A feint black orb is also just about visible in the sky - near the white light...
but only in full screen mode.