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Welcome to B.E.A.M.S.

Founded in 1991, our society consists of a
team of active reporters and field investigators who
factually gather, study and disseminate evidence relating to Earth Mysteries, (e.g. Ley Lines, Terrestrial Energies and Ancient Site Anomalies), Strange Aerial Happenings, (e.g. Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs), and The Paranormal, (e.g. Spirit and Psychic Phenomena).


UFO Alien Abduction Molecular? Surgery: Some of The Most Vivid Scoop Scars/Marks

No pussyfooting here from BEAMS: we have had enough witnesses on our books over the years to realise what we are dealing with; people who awake from an alien abduction experience with such marks as shown on this video.

We strongly suspect this all to be the handiwork of Multidimensional Visitors.

What we have learned:


It is highly likely that the alien program is purely one of Breeding and Genetic Harvesting.

Regardless of its form, broken down into it's most basic structure, everything that exists, (seen and unseen) consists of a rate of vibration. In other words, what you
look at in physical life is not solid as it appears to be. It's ALL a vibrating mass of energy wavelengths, atoms and molecules.

Our world is like an onion with many layers or dimensions; all separate universes, all neighbours, but invisible to one another under normal circumstances, as they each exist on different vibrational frequencies.

The Multidimensional visitors seem to have the ability to alter dimensional 'spacetime' and can visit our physical plane with ease... then they return back 'home' just as easily.

During an abduction by these entities, a human subject may have their *astral inner body, (or spirit) taken from them molecularly, through molecular transference...

[*The astral body is an exact duplicate/counterpart to the physical body, but composed of atoms/molecules which vibrate on an entirely different frequency to solid matter, and hence are invisible to our basic senses; these may even vibrate on a frequency that is more common with the aliens in their true state.]

...and 'tinkered' with by these alien doctors/scientists or whatever they may be, then put back. Anything that is done to the astral body in the way of an operation (performed through frequency manipulation/alteration) will manifest on the physical flesh of a victim via the brains' unique identification ability.

Example: Your abducted astral body is being 'injured' during an alien intervention procedure... yet your physical body is fully aware of this through a psychic connection that exists between the physical and astral bodies; alarm bells ring in your physiology, and immediately form a 'crisis' wound on your flesh body... almost in sympathy to what is happening to you remotely; and that physical, surgical mark will appear in the precise location on the flesh body, corresponding to where something has occurred to the astral body counterpart.

The aliens seem to be able to extract genetic information of the properties they require, even from our astral body... molecularly. It is basically just working with numbers, (like the old Biblical saying perhaps...'every hair on our head is numbered') and knowing what piece goes where in the genetic puzzle.


This is why 'they' strike most often as we sleep, while our brains are in a Theta state, when we are most relaxed, and thus our astral counterpart becomes more easily detached and removed.

Evidence also suggests that the aliens may be able to increase this sleep to a deeper unconsciousness, almost a state of paralysis. Conversely, though some abductees,
(on extremely rare occasions, perhaps according to their environmental circumstances, such as the possible presence of human witnesses) may be taken completely/physically, (where Dematerialisation/Materialisation is achieved via a beam of light from a waiting, hovering craft) for a procedure to be performed, before they are replaced.


It's time for us all to wake up to the truth; do your research, scientists here on earth are already discussing much of this, (not in terms of 'aliens' of course) but with their Superstring and Membrane Theories, as they talk about the probability of multidimensional worlds, etc, etc...

Also, in 1993, scientists at IBM, led by Charles Bennett, showed that it was physically possible to teleport objects, at least at the atomic level. Precisely speaking, they showed that you could teleport all the information contained within a particle from one point to another: This, we believe, is the 'secret' of these aliens; where they originate from, how they travel here, and of course, how they abduct humans for experimentation.

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